Monday, December 31, 2012


So I seem to be really impatient with a quill.  I did this with my rapidograph.  Not bad.  I wonder if I could do a whole comic this way...

Friday, December 28, 2012

The only piece I ever used airbrush on.  For a 50’s restaurant in Sacramento. Way back in the 90’s.  Surprised I didn't even have it on my Flickr thing...I guess I've been retro for ages...

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Just had to do it.  Don't know where to go with it...Ink? Color Pencil?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

R is for Respite

Here's yet another piece.  Every time I do a watercolor I seem to attack it in a different way...what's up with that?   I also drank way too much coffee before I did the lettering.  Bad move.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Here's a spec comic I'm submitting to Easyriders Magazine.  Fingers crossed. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Coquille Paper!

I just dig Coquille paper.  It's not easy to find anymore.  I had to order mine from an Art Supply store in Santa Cruz.  They used to use it in the olden days because it gave a halftone effect.  One of these days I'll get back to finishing the comic book.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hello, culture lovers.  Here's my latest piece for the Excelsior Rotating Gallery I wrote about in the previous post.  Now to get back to work on the comic book!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Public Art

So, three years ago I had an idea.  Why does everything in my neighborhood have to be a mural?  So I suggested a Rotating Gallery.  We'd get some plywood and people could do a painting and three months later it would be replaced. Everybody gets a turn. No having to stare at the same old thing for 20 years. Well, the city got hold of it ( I could go on a very long and cranky rant about this) and now there's all this procedure attached.  So here are my three ideas I am submitting. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Scooter Girls

I've always wanted to do an "Al Parker" type illustration.  Today I grabbed an old very rough piece of plywood and set about doing a new piece.  See, my job at the Golden Gate Bridge ends in a week and I guess that feeling of freedom (no more graveyard shift) and impending doom got the juices flowing again.  This took about 2 hours.  I'll do some more work on it later but, for now I'm happy with the results.

Monday, July 2, 2012


So I am putting my art to hopefully some good use.  These drawings are for a comic / coloring book I am doing for the California Land Surveyors Association.  It will be distributed to elementary school children when surveyors come to visit and demonstrate just what it is we do.   I figured it would be a great way to introduce kids to the practical side of mathematics.  I know that when I was in high school algebra and trigonometry were too abstract a concept for me, though geometry was a breeze.  I hope to be able to show how it all applies in the real world.  Only 16 more pages to go!  Larger images can be seen on my flickr page. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Here's a stop motion animation title sequence I did for a friend's movie.  I wanted to go for one of those late Sixties Saul Bass wannabe late night religious/morality show titles that I saw as a kid.  I used conte crayon and black construction paper.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Here's my latest Painting

This is my latest painting.  It, like many others was donated to my children's school for auction.  Took quite a awhile to do this, what with being sick for several months in the middle, but it is done and gone.